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Raannniiii ..
20 Okt 2021
Wherever you are right now, breathe easy. Because you are exactly where Allah needs you to be :) Dear Special One, How is your day? How...
Raannniiii ..
4 Jun 2020
2020 I'm Ready
Ini adalah saatnya kau menatap jauh ke depan, membuka lembaran baru yang penuh syukur dan optimisme. Mendung tak selamanya, terang pasti...
Raannniiii ..
21 Feb 2020
Have Faith..
A little patience might be all that we need for these problems to go. No matter how hard it is, there will be a beautiful way out. Just...
Raannniiii ..
8 Feb 2020
Welcome Change!
For something to get change, you need to get change. For something to get better, you need to get better. Dear Special One, Apa kabar...
Raannniiii ..
17 Jan 2020
Take Your Time..
Sometimes we just need a break, in a cozy place, alone, to figure everything out. Somethings need a little time and space to evolve into...
Raannniiii ..
1 Jan 2020
Dear You..
Thank you for choosing to be you today, for getting up and choose to live. You've been a survivor and you will survive more :) Aku...
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